Gender Roles

  • Green- Male words
  • Orange- Women words
  • light blue- non-binary words
  • Move the mouse up and down
  • "I encountered more struggles due to the highly prominent machismo culture that exists in Argentina and in Latin America. Machismo can be simply defined as exaggerated masculinity, but comes with misogynist attitudes and gender roles. Of course, machismo probably varies from in different Latin American countries, but here in Argentina machismo doesn’t involve asking for consent."

    “When women are being subservient, there’s benevolent sexism. She needs to be ‘protected and honored’. When women get power, there’s hostile sexism. When a woman is in charge, they are often times accused of being ‘unlady like’ or ‘undesirable partners’.”

    “It’s ingrained that men are supposed to be the breadwinner of the family.”

    Boys don’t need to perform household chores, but should help dad with the role of protecting the family.

    Boys are often called: “Mi hombrecito” (My little man)

    Men are not allowed to share their feelings. Sharing feelings is only for the women.