Mental Health

  • Green- Male words
  • Orange- Women words
  • light blue- non-binary words
  • Mousepressed the screen for a surprise.
  • “Due to financial, contextual, institutional, and systemic barriers, about 69% of Latinx do not receive the mental health support they need.”

    “There’s higher rates of anxiety, depression and suicide in general among men.” And the high pressure on men may lead them to lash out, displaying behavior traditionally associated with machismo.”

    “I swear Hispanic parents would believe in the Devil, bruejeria, and the Chupacabra but draw the line at depression, anxiety, trauma, and accountability. That's the real tea no one wants to talk about”

    “They found that 44% of Hispanics had a resigned, hopeless attitude about depression, compared with 30% of non-Hispanics. These beliefs can lead to a lot of suffering in silence.”

    “people suffering from anxiety or depression are sometimes categorized as "nervios" ("nervousness"), while people suffering from bipolar and schizophrenia are often labeled as "locos" ("crazies").”

    “There is a saying in the Spanish language, "la ropia sucia se lava en casa," which roughly translates to, "don't air your dirty laundry in public." It refers to that speaking about mental health in the Hispanic/Latinx culture is taboo.”

    “People who self-identified as Hispanic didn’t see depression as a disease and didn’t reach out for help.” “But like hypertension and diabetes, depression is a disease. And all of these diseases have treatments, so why wouldn’t you treat them in the same way?””

    “I found myself just like, ‘Do I really belong here?’”

    “Impostor feelings are often racialized and linked to feelings of anxiety because of the stereotypes often associated with their race”