DES 450: Creative Coding

This course will cover advanced topics in interactive media, virtual reality (VR) and introduce creative coding techniques. It provides an introduction to the theory and practice of design and development of virtual reality (VR) projects using the Unity game engine. Focusing on creative coding, 3D visualization, audio design, typography and seminal works, this course will take a deep dive into the techniques and challenges of the designs for virtual reality. Explore the history of the VR art and design, creative coding, real-time typography, ethics and visualization critique. Experiencing an outburst of the VR technologies across fields and industries

Develop new skills and produce interactive projects using 3D, visualization, virtual reality, multimedia and audiovisual media. Intro of the basics of coding and scripting and it designed for students with no prior programming experience but an enthusiasm to study VR. Using Maya, Adobe CS, Unity3D game engine, C# and other software tools and programming languages to develop interactive applications.

VR project

The first assigment is about Machismo. Machismo is a strong sense of masculine pride, an exaggerated masculinity. Masculine identity is mostly in Latino men. There are expectations that have to live up to, even as a little kid, such as gender roles. Includes the set of behaviors and rules of conduct that are. It is inculcated into boys by our society as being strong, tough and independent, showing no emotion. Educate people of the awareness of the word machismo. It is a negative and toxic belief that is against women in the Latino community. Therefore, I would like to end this toxic cultural belief.

As a Latina, the only struggle as I grew up was to believe in this toxic cultural belief. Living in a big Hispanic family and having many Hispanic friends, I have seen how men in the Latino community are expected to act ‘manly.’ They are expected to assert their dominance over just about anyone and everyone, and usually by any means necessary. Men are expected not to be vulnerable, not to let a woman ‘control them,’ and to show that they are ‘a big man.’ As a Latina, I am considered as a black sheep in my family because I break the belief that I was expected to be. I believe this will educate men to end this belief and women to not stay silent when there’s danger.

I know it's a bummer becuase I couldn't upload this design work into a respority due to high space, which it inlcuded lots of 3D models, scripts, and texts. Therefore, I had to upload a video of the piece.

The scene will include typical fear and anger moving sense from the type. Until toward the end, it would change from fear and anger to positive and calm. The first background is like a volcano red for fear and anger. The front seems normal as it is inside the 3D box, which by a click below the box, the font style change and the text of information appears. I decided to make the inside box text to show the emotion, from calm to anger, change inside as it represents how men cannot express their emotion, so it stuck inside the box. As you first see the first text, you can close it by clicking below the box and to rotate is by A and S, but rotate at A to follow the order of information. I was thinking either by touch, mouse, or touch the arrow to rotate the rectangle to read the information. As you have completed reading four sides of the 3D box of the information, you will be able to hit to destroy the 3D box by pressing enter as you see the box explode. After you destroy the box, turn back and you will see a black door, which you will run into that portal and it takes you to a room. The other room is different from the first because it is a safe room. The color is different, and the positive text is on the wall. You can click the mouse wheel to change color. Use the arrow keys to walk around as to change the color back, click the right mouse.

This was my first project for this class. I was very challeging, but this was my favorite assigment I ever done. I love trying something new and taking on big challenges for to advance my skills. There were some tech issues as I was working on this, but I manged to solved them and it turn out to be amazing to see the final result.

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