Imagine This Women's Film Festival

Being a Graphic Design Intern for Imagine This Women’s Film Festival was my third professional experience in my design career and it was a great experience. Imagine This Women’s Film Festival is a non-profit organization that is women-owned and focuses on providing women storytellers and filmmakers a platform to inspire and develop creative projects by women. I learned a lot about the non-profit organization, gained new skill set in creating design for festival events. From digital invitations to event social shares to animation content, and design digital graphics and banners to be used on social media and in email communications. I manage multiple projects from concept to completion, worked along with the creative team, and follow to strict deadlines.

My time working as a Graphic Design Intern at Imagine This Women Film Festival, was my second internship in the career field that I had gone to school for outside of school. The first assignment I had to design for the event is a motion graphic advertising video for the film festival. The event was held in New York, where I had made a motion graphic video to be used on social media.

My second project as a Graphic Design intern for Imagine This Women Film Festival, I had to make a motion graphic video. Few of these motion graphics were counted down to the day of the event and small information about the event. It was used on one of their social media page to advertise and announce when the event is happening.

The third project while I was a Graphic Design intern at Imagine This Women Film Festival, was to make several GIFs. After creating the GIFs, we send those GIFs, in email, to those who bought their tickets for the event. We want to let those audience know that we thank them for their excitement to join in the upcoming event.

My last assignment as a Graphic Design intern at Imagine This Women Film Festival, was to design two email flier posters to advertise to those who are interested to join the next year event virtually and in person. The advserting posters were made to announce the next year’s film festival. One flier was for the audience and the other flier was sent to film producers to promo their films at the film festival for next year.

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