ART 150: Intro to New Media

This course is the introduction to New Media Arts. It's a studio-based course that provides an overview of the theories and practices of New Media Arts. Learning the fundamental practices of electronic arts and interaction design including but not limited to circuit design, basic to intermediate electronics, and programming for interactivity. Through hands-on exercises and exploring basic electronic techniques, and use of programmable microcontrollers (Circuit Playground Express) to control interactive art, sound, light, and environments.


Eternally Yours Card

I decided to make this light up card because it was the beginning of learn New Media Arts. Also, it was around Feburary, so it was close to Valentines Day. The card is based on my favorite song, so I wrote my favorite part of the song in the card. I even added lights into the card to make the card more special. I made pretty light up card, which I was happy to see the out come of it.


Lit Sleeve

For this final project, I was thinking of something that has to be an interactive with the circuit playground. I was also thinking whether it be attached on clothing or not. Maybe make the circuit playground do something special as I move, such as chnage color as I turn left and right, and move up and down.

This was very tricky because I had some tech issues as I was working on it. As i had manage to solved those issues. I also gain a new skills of using hardware, fabric, and programming for interactive.