DES 480: Senior Thesis I

In this course, I worked on projects that designed to provide a set of praramters. I was able to explore various conncetions between theory and practice. These projects, I was able to gradually attain more agency and autonomy both over the medium and content.

Poetry Poster

This project, I had to write ten words that come up in my mind, write them down, select a poem that resonates with me. I had to identify the poetic devices that are prevalent in the poem. I had to decribe the major ideas presented in the poem that I had selected on what is the poet trying to convey? what strikes you about the language; what about the form, how the words fall on the page? and consider how the poem makes me feel. Lastly, without abandoning the poem’s original form and literary divices to the poem, I had to retell the poem in my own words. I wrote an entirely new original poem using the found poem as a prompt.

I had to design a poster: black and white only; (20” x 30”), no images, only typography by utilizing words/phrases/punctuation, etc., from your poem as elements of form, not necessarily devoid of linguistic content but not reliant upon intelligibility to convey what you identify as the essence or central theme of your poem.

I choose this poem because it was deep to me. The time that the assignment took place was on Hispanic Heritage Month. As a first generation latina, as I still trying to succed in life, I had struggled on my battle with identity. There's pro and cons on my battle, but yet I still accpet who I am despite that both side don't accept me.



This project, I had to go through the entire arcitcle and select 20 phrases/sentences. Then extracted from the piece, a strong statements from the artcile I have choose: Not Murdered Not Missing Rebelling Against Colonial Gender Violence by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson.

I had to cut the strong statement out of paper so I can scramble and re-arrange into one single text that makes some kind of sense to the uninitiated reader. I made my content different from the original artcile.

Creating a zine is an experiential interaction between me and the article I had picked. It represents the essence of what my content has come to convey. I scan a photocopy of the statment I pciked. Then I enlarge or shrink, cut and paste, the materials to support what it has become a revitalized interpretation of the original text.


Rebelling Against Colonial Gender Violence Poster

This project is an attempt to build off of this idea of expanded definition of design by providing with a series of texts that intersect with the field of design in either a direct or indirect way. I had to pick a article, read and create a typographic project in response to them. The final product that I made for this project is in poster.

The reading I picked called "Not Murdered Not Missing Rebelling Against Colonial Gender Violence" by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson. The reading is about the missing of Native American Women in Canda, which not much people don't seem to care much for the Natives. The government doesn't seem to care to help protect the Natives Americans. The author of this article wish that people should help the Native American women feel safe in their home because there's a high percentage of missing Native women each year.

I use the color scheme because I could feel the anger and upsetting that no one is speaking up for the Mative Americans. As I use the White text bit faded because some of these Natives have died and are not where to be found. As some text are dark because the author mentioned that there's some more Natives American women that are missing, but no one mentioned or bring up their name, which also assume that they're dead without any recognition.
